Saturday, December 10, 2011

About Tramps

Homeless People and Tramps
I read an article about the homeless in Candada yesterday. It has been said that the homeless in Canada has grown in size and complexity in recent years. Women and children are growing in homeless population. The homeless are not only the crisis of city, but also the number of homeless in the suburbs are increasing. There are between 30,000 and 40,000 homeless people in Toronto (2004), and the city has not enough shelters for them. Even worse, there are over 106,000 people in GTA who spend more than half of their income on rent, and they are at risk of becoming homeless people.
Tramps are a kind of homeless people. According to Wikipedia, a tramp is a long-term homeless person. Some people say that tramps are different from beggars. They choose to lead their lives because of freedom and  it is convenient for them to hike because they have few possession. They live in simple way and are free from care. They are closer to nature because they have to sleep in the open. Yes, sometimes we may feel a little envious of their simple way of lives, but I think their freedom is the result of without skills to get enough income, and they sleep in the open  because they have not houses. Who will be homeless if he has enough money or has enough skill to get a job? Everyone has right to get shelter and food. So the city should have considered more about homelessness and poverty. Who will be the next homeless people?

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